Ready for a 5-day challenge that motivates kids by creating an enriching Chinese learning environment in your home?

A Cantonese picture book

5-Day Chinese New Year Challenge

 Feburary 1st ~ 5th, 2021 (Mon~Fri)



A memorable experience with everything needed to successfully
teach Chinese at home.

This 5-Day Chinese New Year Challenge is for those

who want to see amazing results and have fun.

I have prepared everything and designed this 5-day challenge which includes tons of goodies.



What is included:


Training Videos










Successfully Teach Chinese at Home…

“Just wanted to share our experience doing Fortune Cookie Mom’s 5-Day Challenge and I feel it came at just the right time. I had been thinking for a while about how to increase our Mandarin learning time and the challenge was a great kick start.

Everything was laid out for us and Po Tim has a variety of activities and worksheets available. I am especially grateful to have access to both traditional characters and pinyin which can be difficult to find elsewhere.

My children loved the challenge and would anticipate every day by asking “What will we be doing tomorrow?” They especially loved playing the pretend play and really got into it. The board game and competition were a great change of pace for our family. I am also pleasantly surprised at the seriousness with which my children took in self-evaluation and goal-setting.

Now we are ready to celebrate the New Year and our studies in the future. Thank you for the fun and I can’t wait to see what else Fortune Cookie Mom comes up with!”


Homeschooling Mom of 2

Having quality and engaging activities is the key to motivating children to learn Chinese.
Lack of time, know-how, and resources make it difficult.

I feel you! You are not the only one! 



The Problem is…

  • No extra time and don’t know how to squeeze in extra time for teaching your kid Chinese.
  • No idea how & where to find the right resources to teach Chinese.





Sound familiar?


Don’t worry! I got you!

arrow down




February 1st~5th, 2021 (Mon~Fri)





The 5-day Chinese New Year Challenge is a proven fast-track for teaching Chinese at home.

It will give you all the resources, lesson plans, and support you need to succeed

in just 5 days.

It has been used by over 500 families all over the world.

Everything needed for a successful and memorable
Chinese teaching experience at home.






What’s the Takeaway from the 5-Day Chinese New Year Challenge?

RESOURCE 1 (Value$27)

5 day Lesson Plan

The teacher’s manual with details and instructions for each day of the challenge. Have extra time? Be creative, improvise activities and created your own lessons.

(Value $197) RESOURCE 2

Video Training

Lesson plans not enough? No worries! I have prepared video training too! I will be your personal coach for 5 days. You will hear and even see how each lesson and activity should go. Gain confidence skills to finish the whole challenge.

(value over $77) RESOURCE 3

Massive Chinese printable

Being prepared is key to teaching kids at home. I have 4 kids, and it is difficult with limited time, space, and resources. Here I prepared ALL the printables needed to teach kids Mandarin/Cantonese, so simply print them out and use them. You’ll receive all the related Chinese FULL versions printables. Included is the Chinese New Year board games, Vocab & Mini-books, Red Packet printables & template, Chinese New Year Flower Market Pretend Play Printables, checklist, supplies, and more… 

(value $247) RESOURCE 4

Live Calls & Extra Training

I’m going to do a little follow-up each night to make sure your questions are answered, and your problems are solved.
I will also take the opportunity to give further training and provide helpful tips. It’s my favorite part of the challenge.

RESOURCE 5 (Value $8)

Mandarin & Cantonese Audio

You and your children can practice over and over along using the audio clips prepared for you. It will come in handy.

(value $97) RESOURCE 6

Private Community for Support

It’s nice to see other families teach their kids, and what challenges and successes they have. As we share our wins and trials we learn and support each other. No one should feel alone on this journey.
This is what our private community is for.

BONUS1 (value $120)

Giveaway: Chinese Bilingual Books & Resources

I love giveaways! These amazing Chinese bilingual books & resources are going to help you and your child to get to the next level. So you know what’ll be your plan after this challenge?
READ a lot of Chinese books with your children.

(Value $37) BONUS 2

Product: 15-Day Chinese New Year Lesson Plan

Guess what? I have another 10+ Chinese New Year lesson plans.
Yes! It’s the 2nd bonus. Get this 15-day lesson plan just in case you want to do more after the challenge.
If not, use it next Chinese New Year and for years after as well.

15-day lesson plan: Chinese NewYear
BONUS 3 (Value $12)

Printable: Reward Charts & Self-Evaluation Sheets

I know how short this challenge is. It is a 5 day rocket ride to the top, so what’s next? This 3rd bonus will help you to set new goals and plans, and keep the fire going.

“身为职业妈妈的我,常常牺牲睡眠来自作教材。版主全方位学习的新年教材真让我省下不少宝贵的时间找资料。四岁的女儿对中文学习有点抗拒。我们善用版主提供的迷你故事书和生字卡来增强她对语文的认识。版主的中文单词棋盘游戏更让女儿投入学习, 因为她想赢嘛!版主的教材可让小孩边玩边学, 太棒了。”



Just Imagine…


  • Spending less time finding & preparing activities for your kids
  • Access to proven lesson plans, resources, and printables
  • Extra time to play and interact with your kids
  • Knowing the steps and process it takes to prepare and manage a whole weeks worth of lessons and activities
  • Learning and gaining insights 
  • Asking questions and getting answers right away for any road blocks you encounter
  • Meeting other like-minded people while having fun supporting each other
  • Gaining the self-confidence to know you can totally do it


Fortune Cookie Mom

What We Do during these 5 Days



FIRST, complete each challenge with your kids & family

Then, enjoy a retreat after each day of challenge

5-Day Chinese New Year Challenge

 After you join us, you’ll receive ALL the resources and bonuses below!

Lesson Plans for 5 days (Value$27)

The teacher’s manual with details and instructions to run each day of the challenge. Have extra time? Be creative, and improvise activities for your kids and share with the community! 

Extra Printables (Value $77)

Being prepared is key to teaching kids at home. I have 4 kids, and I know it can be difficult with limited time, space, and resources. I prepared ALL the printables you need to teach kids Mandarin/Cantonese in this challenge, so simply print them out and use them right away. Simple & easy, right? That’s what we need.

Mandarin & Cantonese Audio (Value $8)

Practice over and over with these audio clips. They will come in handy. 

Giveaway: Chinese Bilingual Books (value $120)

I love giveaways! These amazing Chinese bilingual books are going to help you and your child to get to the next level. So you know what’ll be your plan after this challenge?
READ a lot of Chinese books with your children.

Product: 15-Day Chinese New Year Lesson Plan
(Value $37)

Guess what? I have another 10+ Chinese New Year lesson plans.
Yes! It’s the 2nd bonus. Get this 15-day lesson plan just in case you want to do more after the challenge.
If not, use it next Chinese New Year and for years after as well.

Series of Video Training (Value $197)

If the lesson plans aren’t enough for you, no worries! I have prepared video trainings, and I will be your personal coach for 5 days. You will hear and even see how each lesson and activity should go. Gain the confidence to finish the whole challenge. 

Live Calls & Extra Training (value $247)

I’m going to do a little follow-up each night to make sure your questions are answered, and your problems are solved.
Besides, I will have the opportunities to give you further training and tips. It’s always my favorite part of the challenge.

Private Community for Support (Value $97)

It’s nice to see other families teach their kids, and what challenges and successes they have. As we share our wins and trials we learn and support each other. No one should feel alone on this journey.
This is what our private community is for.

Printable: Reward Charts & Self-Evaluation Sheets (Value $12)

I know how short this challenge is. It is a 5 day rocket ride to the top, so what’s next? This 3rd bonus will help you to set new goals and plans, and keep the fire going.

Let me sum it all up here…

Total Value =  $822

Special Offer = $47

fortune cookie mom

您好! I’m Po Tim.

I am a homeschooling mom of 4 from Hong Kong, and I am teaching them Cantonese, Mandarin, and English at home.

I know how hard and overwhelmed to find and search for different ways and to give the best education for my kids, and have no idea what to do.

My kids refused to speak Chinese, reading Chinese books with me, or even told me that they hate speaking Chinese.

However, after many trials and mediation, I reconnected the Chinese language with my kids, created a better learning environment no matter where we live, and I create tons of engaging and fun activities and Chinese printable for my kids to fall in love with the language and culture.

So now, I’d really like to share my tips, resources, and even experiences with you through hosting this 5-day Chinese New Year Challenge.

At least one thing I know from all the families who joined any of my challenges, none of their kids refuse to learn Chinese, but they want more after the challenge because they have tasted the joy from it, so do the parents.

Let’s hear from others…

“I loved the free Chinese learning challenge because it helped me bring Chinese into my everyday life and also I felt very supported by Po Tim the Fortune Cookie Mom.”


“The 5-Day Challenge was very fun and engaging for my three kids, especially my four-year-old son! The activities were very hands-on. It was easy for me to not have to prepare everything, but it was already planned out by Fortune Cookie Mom. The whole family was engaged and learned many new Chinese words because we were having fun.

I like Fortune Cookie Mom because I am not a native Chinese speaker. She has ready-to-use printables that help my family to learn new words and characters. She has mini books, vocab books, activities, etc. “


Homeschooling Mom of 3

“Some fantastic and fun ideas for not just my kids, but the whole family to participate. Both my girls love the activities, and they are now still playing some of them. They have certainly learned and remembered some Chinese language and culture from the challenges, and the best thing about them is bringing all of us together and enjoy our playtime. It is important to have a fun element, and can’t be too serious about it all. They learn best when they are having fun. I will definitely tell others if there are any other challenges.”


Father of 2

“Po Tim put together an incredible resource here! A clear strategy, concrete examples, and a great little collection of printable resources with super helpful translations with Zhuyin/pinyin/Traditional/Simplified to help wherever you’re at in your journey.”


Other programs and events cost far more and will not have these results!

This should easily cost over $300.

I know the feeling of wanting to give the best for your child but you can’t, because of your budget, location, resources, abilities, and time.

I feel you and I really want to help you!

So that’s why I’m going to make this 5-Day challenge super easy for you to access and use.

Instead of  charging over $300, this opportunity to you and your children

is only $47.

But this price won’t last forever, don’t hesitate!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the content and materials in Mandarin or Cantonese?

All the printables and resources of this 5-day challenge are in both Mandarin & Cantonese. You get to choose the language versions that will fit you best. Most of the printables are in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, with Pinyin, Zhuyin, Jyutping, and English translation as well. So even if you have zero Chinese knowledge, I got you covered! 

What if I’m new to this topic?

It’s perfect! This is a challenge for anyone, beginners to advanced. Most of the resources and content are very basic. Advanced learners can use the same principles to enlarge their knowledge. So anyone is welcome to join and adapt it to their needs.

I’m a busy parent. Can I still try your strategies and see results?

Yes! You bet. The challenge is only 5 days long. You can adjust and arrange the best time to teach each lesson each day. Each activity lasts from 30 mins to the whole day (that’s only if your kids want to keep playing).

If you have 30 minutes a day and think teaching kids Chinese is important, you are in the right place.


How long will it take to finish the challege?

It will take 5 days to finish the content and training. If you want to take it slow, it might take you some time to complete everything. The pace is up to you. 

When do I get access to everything?

immediately after your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to access the member’s area. Inside the member’s area, you’ll get all downloads, files, templates – everything! 

What format is the course content delivered in?

Good question! The course materials are shared as video content and plenty of printables and resources. So, whether you prefer to read, write, watch, or listen to the content, you’ll be set. 

I don’t speak Chinese myself but I want to teach my child Chinese, is it possible for me to join?

Yes, of course. All the content & instructions are in English such as video training, resources, and printables are in English. It also contains Chinese printables so you can learn Chinese along with your kids.

What is your refund policy?

I’m sorry we don’t have any refund policy for this challenge. I have given you way more value than the original cost and it is digital downloads so returns are not possible.

5-Day Chinese New Year Challenge

Total Value =  $822

Special Offer = $47

Copyright 2021, Fortune Cookie Mom. All Rights Reserved.  Terms | ​Privacy

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