Learning to Dance at Home: YouDance.com Review

by | Blog, Homeschooling Tips

One huge advantage of homeschooling is that my kids have time to explore new things. Dance classes for my kids have been in the works but it’s difficult. We have a 5-month old baby, 4, 7, 9, and 11 yr old. You can imagine it’s difficult to take all my kids to dance classes. Not to mention the cost pay for them, so it has been on the back burner for some time.

This past month we tried something new! I’m excited to share it with you. It works well and has allowed our children to learn dancing. It’s called YouDance.com.

YouDance.com is an online dance program for kids. It is an affordable option for beginners. YouDance.com has many high-quality step-by-step videos in its online library. This means you can access it wherever you have the internet!

I’m going to show you how this online dance program enriches our homeschooling and family life! How it inspires us to try different genres of dance, and how it saves us time and money.

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This is a sponsored post. I received free access to their program as compensation for writing a review. I was not required to write a positive view, and all opinions expressed here are my own. 

The post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you. If you make a purchase through a link. See the Disclosure for more details.


It has been difficult to find dance classes

Dancing helps to improve endurance and strength and increase flexibility, and coordination. Science shows dancing makes us happy. Even though I’m not a good dancer, my parents are. I can feel their love for each other when they are dancing, and they look happy when they are dancing. So, as a homeschooling mom of five, I also want my kids to learn to dance. It is a healthy way to express their emotion and relieve stress.


Here are the problems with dance classes for 5 kids we encounter:

  • It gets expensive with 5 kids
  • Scheduling is next to impossible. Between pick-up drop-off and travel time, there is no time to do it all.
  • They can’t try all the different genres and styles they want to
  • Other activities and programs my kids do make it impossible to add dance classes. They are already busy.


Do you have the same kind of problems too?

When my husband and I tried to figure it out, I was fortunate to find YouDance.com. I’m excited because it solves our problems, and my kids love all the dance classes that they offer.

Now, let’s get into the details and our experience using YouDance.com. whether you homeschool or not, this dance program will help solve problems you may have.





The Best Online Dance Program for
Multi-Children families 

An Overview of YouDance.com

YouDance.com was founded by a homeschooling mother of three who has a passion for dance. She had a desire to create a safe place at home for kids to dance.

YouDance.com is an online dance program offering a variety of dance lessons. The qualified dance instructors are great and teach in a clear, simple manner that is easy to follow. The ideal audiences are young kids to teens, but adults will love it too.

Each video lesson is short and sweet from 2-20 minutes. It includes hip hop, ballet, contemporary, jazz, clogging, and exercise. The skill range starts at beginners and goes to advanced.



Let’s Take a Look the Inside

I Love YouDance.com as Our Homeschooling Dance Program

Very Affordable

YouDance.com allows me to pay only $25USD a month for the whole family to take online dance classes at home. Where can you find cheaper dance classes better than that price?

Each kid can choose as many dance classes as they want, and can take them whenever they want.

We can stream the videos through Apple TV, and we can also watch them on my laptop, tablet, or smartphone as well.

Also, we save gas money and travel time as well. There is no better deal than YouDance.com.

Simple & clear instructions from qualified dance instructors

Online classes can be hard. It is not always easy to understand the instruction or follow along.

YouDance.com is simple and clear. The instructions are clear and the videos make it easy to follow along. My 7 years old has no problem understanding each step and each position. Even my 4 years old has a lot of fun following along.

They include a brief history of the genre and add quizzes at the end of each section to help with understanding. I love that!  It made the whole dancing experience more enjoyable for my kids.

High-quality videos with great dance music

High-quality videos allow kids to focus and enjoy the dance classes. Something we can all appreciate. YouDance.com, not only provides high-quality videos, but the videos are short and to the point. They also have great music to dance to.

My kids and I recognized some of the pop music in the program, and it makes it more fun to dance with.

Promote online safety for kids

Ensuring online safety for kids is one of the missions of the founder. YouDance.com classes are on-demand with no advertisements. It ensures they are safe and not exposed to anything other than their curated content. They are safe to explore the YouDance.com site and try different dance classes on their own.

YouDance.com fits a homeschooling schedule


Homeschooling five kids isn’t an easy job at all. We try to embrace their unique personalities, strengths, weakness, and interest. Doing so can make our schedule quite hectic. Even so, I need to balance everything to make sure our days are smooth, and everyone is happy. When my kids are happy, they like to learn, but sometimes they lack motivation, are sad, or they may need a break. YouDance.com allows me to be flexible and still provide great dance training and lessons for my kids.



PE & exercise

I create a schedule for my kids, they take turns picking a dance class of their choice each week. Our kids also love the “follow along” section, they can dance and exercise during free time. In the winter, our kids dance and practice often because the weather keeps them inside. It’s a great way for them to burn their energy.



Great program for rotation of kids

We try to rotate between different activities every day. When one is practicing piano, the other is in a zoom class or having reading time with me. Then we switch and take turns. So YouDance.com is a great fit with our homeschooling routine.


Family activity 

I love seeing my kids in class. It is fun to watch them learn and follow the instructor but we don’t always get to.  Sometimes we also join them on the dance floor in our living room and have a dance party as a family too.  With YouDance.com I get to see them all the time. It’s a great tool for homeschooling parents to observe how their kids learn from instructors.



YouDance.com for Younger Kids

You may ask how about younger kids?

YouDance.com has videos for younger kids. They introduce kids to 5 genres of dancing.


These include:
  • Ballet
  • Jazz
  • Hip-hop
  • Clogging
  • Contemporary Dance
My 4-year-old loves the videos. Instructors teach younger dancers through questions, movement, and by giving virtual rewards. My 4-year-old’s confidence and excitement build with each star he receives as a reward. In the videos, they have young kids dancing as a group to help kids feel more relaxed as well.




Let’s see how much my kids enjoy it

Dance gear needed to Get your kids started

The instructors on YouDance.com teach dancing and they also show how to pick the right shoes.

Here is a list of dance shoes and clothing you will need:

The Last Thing You Need to Know about YouDance.com

If you are looking for beginner dance classes for your children, YouDance.com is perfect for you.

Whether you have one kid or five it is fun for them. It is a great alternative to sitting and watching tv. This is an affordable way for your kids to try different genres of dance. They can explore this program until they are ready to commit and dive into in-person dance classes.



Let me know in the comment below:



Do you incorporate dancing and movement at home?

Do you find it easy or difficult?

And what are your ideal dance classes for your family.





Want to try YouDance.com with your kids?  


It’s $25/month or discounted to $180/year, free trial is automatically applied to all who sign up.


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